
When and where will AP VALVES & SH 2024 be held?
AP VALVES & SH 2024 will be held on August 8(Thu.)-9(Fri.), 2024, at Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea. Click here to learn more about transportation and location, and program details will be updated on our website soon.
How can I attend AP VALVES & SH 2024?
Register early-bird within the designated period or on-site during the conference. Once you complete the early-bird registration, you will get a confirmation email shortly and details of our conference and check-in process will be delivered to your email before the conference.
How can I access AP VALVES & SH 2024 slides?
The slides will be updated on our website in about 24 hours after the conference.
What is the dress code for the conference?
Business casual is fine. Refer to the weather in Seoul.


How do I register for AP VALVES & SH 2024? Is it free?
Early bird registration is opening from March 22 to June 26, 2024, 11:59 PM KST.
There is registration fees depending on your occupation. Please check the registration page for more information.
* Faculty and Presenter will be automatically registered by the secretariat.
What should I do if I cannot attend AP VALVES & SH 2024 after completing the early bird registration?
Please kindly find the Cancellation Policy under the terms and conditions of registration page.
I'm a faculty member/presenter of AP VALVES & SH 2024. Do I need to register?
If you are the faculty member or presenter of AP VALVES & SH 2024, you do not need to register as you will be automatically registered by the secretariat.
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Accommodation & Visa

Do I need to book a room individually?
As the registration does not come with accommodation, all individuals are required to book a room by themselves at the hotel of their choice. However, to provide convenience to attendees, we are offering a discounted price for a few hotels nearby. It will be updated when the price range confirms.
Should I apply for a visa to attend AP VALVES & SH 2024?
Due to the frequent changes on travel restrictions and visa-waiver/free program, all attendees are advised to contact the Korean Embassy or Consulate in their countries to check their visa requirement and eligibility for the quarantine.
If you have any other questions, please contact our secretariat.